Ah, gentle readers, your MatchGirl is remiss. It’s been days upon days since she’s last shared any of her life in this little tome. To be fair, she has been busy. There is work. There is the planning of the next Work It Brooklyn. And there is play, catching up with friends, old and new, whose lives are taking them on adventures and to places that your MatchGirl can only imagine.
That said, I am drafting this post en route (and, but en route, I mean literally from the plane) to Bogota, Colombia, where I am headed for four days of work and play combined.
My new job (I say new, though I have been here since April), has a big office and a ton of staff in Bogota, the hometown of one of our founders, and your MatchGirl, a coworker and a lucky prize winner are all going to Bogota for the first time – to meet the staff of the office, to immerse ourselves in company culture, to take pictures, to eat great food and to find out what it is that makes our partnership such a special one.
While I’m in Bogota, I will be Tweeting and blogging for work, as well as posting my personal thoughts, images and videos on my own Twitter feed and Facebook page (sorry, no link to that – you know where it is if you’re my IRL friend!).
This is a journey that I could not have imagined a year ago. Heck. This, dear ones, is a journey that I could not have imagined six months ago.
I know that many of you are still unemployed and underemployed, just looking for something – that right fit. That job that you not only don’t mind getting up for in the morning, but that more times than not, you want to get up for. I know that you cannot imagine that six months from now – four months from now – even next week – you could have that job in your hands.
I want to remind you of the possibilities.
So many people that your MatchGirl has been fortunate enough to meet, in real life and simply via the web/blogosphere since I started jotting my thoughts down in this space, have found themselves employed. And well employed. So many people that put their heads down and just kept working on what they love have found themselves doing just that. Have made opportunities where they never imagined opportunities could be. Have been discovered for doing thing that were, to them, simply works of passion.
So, while many of you struggle still, please, do not abandon hope.
There’s no advice in this post, dear readers, just a glimmer that better days are on the horizon. Whether it’s according to plan or something entirely unexpected.
Best of luck to you, gentle ones. I can’t wait to hear the adventures that you find.