Monday, January 3, 2011


I started this blog, gentle readers, on February 2, 2009 for this purpose:
[To write] about my search for a job, about what I do with my lazy days, about what I do to save a few pennies while living on the dole ...
That was a long time ago, dear ones, and your MatchGirl's life has certainly changed a lot since then.  It's been a long time since my days were lazy - even in unemployment, laziness was not the key to my day.  It's been several months, even, since I was unemployed.  I'm not so single.  I am still trying to save a few pennies, but not for the sole purpose of surviving from day to day - more for the purpose of having savings and looking towards the future.

Over the past couple of years, I have kissed a lot of frogs.  I have applied for a lot of jobs.  I have gotten some fun press and some cool recognition and I have made friends with an extraordinary group of people.

This little blog has evolved with all of these things.  And, in the new year, like me, it can do nothing but evolve further.

So, even though I have a lot less time on my hands - time for writing my own thing - that I would like to, here is my blog.  It will change as I change and as the things in my life change.  I'll no longer (or not for now anyway) write about online dating (done that) or first dates (hopefully done with those, too!).  I don't have the need for sending out a jillion resumes (thank goodness).  I won't be heading out on job interviews where no one replies to me (I have a job and -fingers crossed - I'm gonna hold on to it).  but I will, gentle readers, continue to write.  As unemployment persists, I'll write about that the best I can.  As my relationship progresses, perhaps Boyfriend will make an appearance.  As I grow in my job, I'll write about that, too.

This blog will evolve.  It's like life.  It's got to keep growing.


  1. thanks so much! x-country hugs to you!

  2. Hi - I am also unemployed (14 months and counting) and came across your blog. I just started my own at and I linked to yours. I'm hoping to communicate with other people in my situation...makes me feel less alone. :)

  3. @languagechick: that is much the same reason I started this blog. It feels lonely, but there are a lot of other people in the same boat as you. Good luck and I hope looking through this blog, though I update it less frequently now, is also of some solace to you!
